ha ha ha..my blog become a place to throw all the mess in my head...
and i still bengang yang amat with thz CELCOM 3G, i dont aspect to get best connection as 1Mps streamic.. but its worse nite by nite.... TEnsion pak cik...
Selalu camni..mula dah ulis pepanjang.. mesti aku delete and gantikan with thz boring words....
Sory for yang terasa ngan pe yang aku tulis...walhal xberkait pun ngan yang mati dan mungkin berkait dengan orang yang akan mati la....
because i knew only few died good person...
that remind me to afriend that said im introvert person... after 30 years (nearly), yes im introvert person..i prefer to talk (True just write) in YM or MSN. but sory in phone bucause i will loose the idea... communication can stand for 3 minutes...
Ahk... im lost....
todays activities:-
1. G PTD Seremban OPen House
2. Dapat siap 6 paper works ada lagi 8:-P (Lepas blik Buje workshop br pegang balik)
3. Dapat call dr customer, HQ and email cc to all head departmnt nak suruh aku proses cepat application ni tp dia yg paling last antar....
4. Arkitek lak dok buat laporan aku xconsult bos pasal projek yg bos arahkan batal? heloooo... ko pun xpenah jumper aku, cakap banyak lak... jadi sok dah ada keja tabahan la nak jawab hal ni...
5. aku tengah ebngang..nasib baik backpain dah kurang skit... tp urine lak kotor... tak lama la tur... nak pulang ke ....
If You Are Unhappy...
Once upon a time there was a non-conforming sparrow who decided to fly south for the winter. However, soon the weather turned so cold that he reluctantly started to fly south. In a short time ice began to form on his wings and he fell to earth in a barnyard, almost frozen. A cow passed by and crapped on the little sparrow. The sparrow thought it was the end. But, the manure warmed him and defrosted his wings. Warm and happy, able to breathe, he started to sing. Just then a large cat came by and hearing the chirping, investigated the sounds. The cat cleared away the manure, found the chirping bird and promptly ate him.
The moral of the story:
1. Everyone who craps on you is not necessarily your enemy.2
. Everyone who gets you out of the crap, is not necessarily your friend.
3. And, if you are warm and happy in a pile of crap, keep your mouth shut.
"5. aku tengah ebngang..nasib baik backpain dah kurang skit... tp urine lak kotor... tak lama la tur... nak pulang ke ...."
ReplyDeleteluckily u still breathing until now..:-)