Friday, November 30, 2007


Keadaan agak kritkal juga hari ini, walaupun dapat setlekan perkara semalam... I hope nobody have hurt felling ya..

Tempat perasmian dah setle...

Activities for today... 30.11.2007 (Friday) 1st day:-)

Talk from SIRIM and SMIDEC

in same time we have exibition or klinik usahawan at the ground floor.this clinic will held for 3 days starting today till sunday. Agencies involve such as:
10.SPR (untuk daftar mengundi meh)

Staff from PKNNS busy with customer..

Taklimat from SIRIM... the participants la...

Nite.... have opportunity to take some pics products taht be sold and excibite in thz showcase...some of them cause tommorrow will add more:_)

this Satay Tulang very interesting.. original from jelebu... u all should try la... satay tulang, kat tempat lain xder...

very big meh..tentu puas:-P

Kuala Pilah- health product or herb...whatever, mas cotek- one of herb suppliment for health..product in dah dapat MAL and exported to midlle east...
Jelebu-unique from tanah liat...harganya xlah murah, yang kat bawah ni boleh discuss lagi meh....

Tampin-BUnga getah, but original from daun getah....

minyak urut meh... dari tampin, katanya bagus:-) sema produk bagus la.... tau guna atau xjer...

Jadi, jemput lah datang:-) nak tgk poduk orng kita... sok klu semat sambung lagi produk yg ada...sbb ada 2-3 daerah lagi xmasuk, nani ada yang merajuk, erutama yang datang dr seremban....

Dari desa ke persada dunia:-)

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Satu Daerah Satu Industri - SDSI

Pak Cik very BZZ yang amat... jam 7.30pm baru balik rumah tuk mandi, lepas ni kuar balik nak uruskan pgm ni, tapi pak cik bukan lah org penting, sekadar penca**i jer. Walaupun hati pak cik sedih dan terkilan yang amat bila nak balik tadi, Tapi tak guna nak cerita, sebab menda lain dah ok, and mende2 besar camni klu dikeluarkan saat2 akhir ni, banyak menda tak baik lak yg jadi... tp pak cik xlah redha...lg pak cik boleh maki, pak cik maki la...sbb pakcik dah kena maki takdi...

Cuma pak cik nak jemput lah sesapa yang di Seremban dan sekitar ataw yang akan melalui Seremban singgah lah di program ni... Biar lah dapat memeriahkan suasana... Sebab dalam tahun ni, ni jer la satu-satu program sgowcase or expo yg pak cik agak hapy berkerjasama... Harap dapat sambutan...

Program mula esok 30.11.2007 - 2.12.2007 @ Seremban Plaza, Jalan ke Kuala Pilah, tak jauh dari Hotel Allson Klana, Seremban, perasmian dan penutup sperti dalam iklan di atas... aku handle daerah Seremban, Tp klu nampak xbest seremban punya booth, jangan marahkan aku yerk. sebab opis aku kena handle taklimat SIRIM dan SMIDEX pagi and petang sok, masa yang sama kena handle pameran jabatan, ada 10 agensi and jabatan akan memamerkan prm masing-masing kat ruang legar Seremban Plaza....

Most of the pgm been handle by my opis in friday, pepagi sok nak g balai polis nak abik permit, siap kena sound td, klu xabik permit kan kena pancut air (Ayat terakhir adalah penyedap ayat sahaja-Xkena mengena dengan yang hidup atau yang mati)

Sabtu cuma tunggu perasmian pada waktu petang, ahad pagi dengan APPM dan petang dengan penutup...

Ada pertanding karaoke katanya....

Detai akan dinyatakan kemudian, jadi klu nak tahu SDSI negeri Sembilan, Jemput lah datang...

We Welcome all... Im waiting
.... mana tau boleh jumper pak cik ni....

Monday, November 26, 2007

kahwin dan jejak usahawan

25.11.2007 (Sunday)- went to kenduri kawin colleque, dah jadi mother law la Kak Joy.. her son pic and dauther in law...

Ole-ole or before this we call its 'telor orang kawin' but now very rare use thz telor but cake or sweets... or kerepek..

Sempat gak pegi 1-Utama, tuk beli blender:-P

Tgk Biskut yang di bazirkan untuk di hias dan di buang...

26.11.2007 (Monday)-dapat pressent ni.... he he he:-P sory my friends, what im planned dont happen la.. sory no big cake..bZZ meh, nak cr tanah lagi, nak gi KL lg....

Evening, in The legend PWTC, nak blaja main mende ni...after thz kena jd banker for south zone competition in Johor thx 5th december 2007.

After thz bZZ with SHOwcase sdsi (sATU dAERAH sATU iNDUSTRI) thz 30.11-2.12.2007...

Saturday, November 24, 2007


1)kawan tu bkn mcm maen FUTSAL. Mula-mula kejar..dah dapat sepak..
2)kawan tu bkn mcm maen SKATE. Mula-mula gosok..lepas tu pijak..
3)kawan tu bkn mcm maen RAGBI. Mula-mula tangkap.. dah dapat tendang..
4)kawan tu bknnya mcm PAMPERS.. dah pakai, buang..
5)kawan tu bknnya mcm BARANG KEMAS. Waktu baru beli pakai. Dah sengkekgadai.
6)kawan tu bkn mcm PELANGI. Hari cerah takde..hujan gerimis baru muncul..
7)kawan tu bkn mcm KERETA. Rosak skit,jual.. ambik kereta baru..
8)kawan tu bkn mcm CHIPSMORE.. skejap ade skjp tak..
9)kawan tu bkn mcm BANK. Bila dah takde duit, pegi kat sana ambik.
10)lagi..... kawan tu mcm ape ye???? Haa..kawan tu mcm AWAK LA.. bila sayahantar msg, awak akan baca msg saya dgn teliti sampai habis.
Walau ape pun tanggapan org tentang kawan.. bagi saya, kawan tu penting.Seorang kawan takkan biarkan kawan dia menangis, sedih, berduka dansebagainya. Kawan yg sejati adalah seorang kawan yang dapat diajak dudukdan berbincang tentang pelbagai perkara. Yang penting, seorang kawan akan sentiasa menghadiahkan senyuman kpd kawan-kawannya
*had this msg mail from a friend, notmy own idea... but thank ts mean alot to me:-)
just 2 days lelf for 30's. tuo dah pakcik, anak-anak pun dah besar.. siap tambah lagi... kekawan makin kurang, nenek-nenek kat opis sibuk tanya, bila nak langsungnyer.... tomorrow one of the college will hv son in law, tu la pakcik xnak g kenduri n balik kampung selalu.... nanti dapat soalan cepu mas... as ussuall i hv my own answer - bila sampai jodoh, x kemana. klu opismate ask, pakcik kata pakcik ada backpain n etc... kena tunggu sembuh dulu.... mmg thz backpain akin menjadi lak, yesterday g gym angkat 5kg pun dah mula rasa balik, pil dah abis, klu trus rasa sakit, kena g scan lak monday ni....
pakcik dah tuo....

Friday, November 23, 2007

port dickson II and before

Last weekend on sunday, i meet this Russian:-) just to share... (I hope this men dont mind)

and jupe tempat ni, this fish pound (talapia)... in the midle of nowhere in seremban....

Back to original story, the pics below i took in Port Dickson, Batu 4, infont of Hotel Seri Malaysia beach.... yesterday in sunset...

what i can said, i miss the sunset and beach..even my parent house in rompin just 5 minute by bycle to the beach... its hard to me went to beach:-P

hv some opportunities for sunset pics...

even letih, but ok la..dapat tegok laut walau xsampai 15 minute....

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Port Dickson and Kuala LUmpur

20.11.2007 (Tuesday) 8.00am- Bos nak jumper..yang baestnyer lembut lak dia cakap...nak pics yg xreceived last week, jd akumasukan dalam pc dia... and aku terpandang satu buku dari datuk fadilah kamsah, 'anger managemant' ok...aku paham...kena buat keje ngan lebih baik la aku,,
8.30 meeing head department in seremban, abis, kepala aku tonteng, syukur dapat balik opis ngan selamat, rasa semakin laluk lak, walhal aku makan ubat yg di preskrisi oleh doc jer...tak tahan masuk surau trus pitam, sedar-2 2nd bos call nak mintak aku g perasmian Hari Wanita, Sori sir, aku dah ada oppoiment ngan Negeri FM sama tuan ADO, promo showcase SDSI Negeri Sembilan tuk 30.11-2.12.2007 ni....

Petang ada member ajak g Port Dickson sok, aku mengeluh, tp sebab kawan n .. aku pun kena pegi la, nanti kurang rezeki lak...jd balik aku prepared la all the handout, note and study case tuk wenesday nite ni....

21.11.2007 (Wednesday) 6.30am went to HQ, Kl for project brief, my distrit hv 4 project more than RM6m. bukan tuk aku la.... abis jam 4.00 pm trus cabut balik.... 5.30pm sampai opis... 6.00pm dirct ke PD. 11.00pm balik seremban, 11.30pm arrive and tulis blog ni at 12.12am 22.11.2007 (THursday) prepare for tommorow meeting and lunch with MB.

Sory my friends, so BZZ to upload new pics.. a dont hv time to take new pics...

tommorow nite will be in Port Dickson again:-) Hotel Sri Malaysia....

Monday, November 19, 2007


16.11.2007(Friday 7.55am)- 'You are irritates me...' (the true he said - u irritating me..)'?' taht P** said to me on last day couse...
he start bla, bla, bla with all kind of reason for the nation, agama, bangsa and negara...heloooo, that thing not about that la.... it about viable or not... not because of the request of somebody in the top og state managemen... everything need to follow meh.... i giva not one but plenty reason why i decline that proposer... but the end... i said - Ok.."i will change its..." hah? in thz situation i just like timun, he is durian... so durian still durian, but durian be tempoyak.. that time timun tenyeh-tenyeh tempoyak tu... Remember tuan-tuan and puan-puan, people will foollwo yu when u have power, after u pencen n body care la... u buat kenduri pun orang tak datang, sendiri mau ingat la....

evening 5.55pm ( minute before leave) direction, sent email to devision bos in KL on institution land, taht hv 5 in deferents places... i i dont hv any meh, saturday i will be in PJ, but i manage to get 2 of them... email... ut thz morning eceived a call, "saya tak dapat pun mana-mana gambar I** la" helo... i check my emal and i have all of them, i receive in cc and bcc but u the main xdapat? pelik.... ?

Saja la tur nak cari sebab tuk mengeruhkan keadaan yang keruh...


life still go on...
Thank for frends that invited me to O**gy party:-P
no la... makan-makan jer...he he he...
boleh kasi release jap...

Sunday in the Curve,, went to cathay and wacthed Beowulf
what can i say about thiz movie....

ok lah.... not as i aspect la... xder la full with impact or suspens... xsabar nak abis...siap ngatuk lagi, i hope i can wacth more angilina jole...but only or i can said.. so few scene of her..

Today.. i in Kuala Klawang, give some talk and answer all the phone call meh...

Tommorow, meeting in PTD Seremban in the morning, evening in RTM N.S for intiview with Negeri FM.... i not the guest meh...juat temankan DO jer....

my backpain pill only left oe more... klu sakit lagi kena ngadap doc lagi la lusa meh....

Thursday, November 15, 2007

me & stupid mistake....

ahk... my boss get mad today... my mistake:-( no sequence between my idea and what the bos said... he want to see me, but i think not for this time, myb thz evening or tomorrow...need concerntrated on others report 1st meh... xbagus gak jumper dia tengah marah... xpasal aku di B*BI kan nyer lepas ni... harap lepas i dia cool skit...
entah la...
Relationship not in good condition... alot of problem, decision and ecthics that been ignored....
that the problem that influence me day by day...
What a stupid mistake at me....

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

milk chocolate

i got this chocolate last 2 weeks from enstek open house... and tonite i finnished all:-) just thinking, how can i reduce my weight if i keep eat chocolate, cake, kfc etc...wondering....

all the 'isinya' dah abis makan masa abik pics ni...

today... complete one loan application on AURA SPA in Nilai.. went to MPS and Balai Polis Serembanfor applying permit for showcase SDSi end of thz month... xnak la kena pancut air bila org tgh naynyi2.... just kidding... thank to akak polis yg ala2 garang gitu.... dah kojo nak buek camno yer...

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

melaka v/s singapore

with the pack schedule n health problem... still can manage a trip to melaka and singapore... just to fid some present for my exW. She will tide a knot 25 Nov 2007, a day before my birthday(siap promoe birthday sendiri lak) but nothing to buy la... just rought some Siaw or mangkok tingkat.... Most tradisional chainese used this for hantar belanja tuk kawin quated from customer in that shop...
but that not for the present meh.... maybe for me antra blanja next time.for the second one...

Siaw or mangkok tingkat cina

take opportunity to visit Kingdom of Melaka Palace... After 5th went to Melaka, this is 1st time i went here.... very nice place...but nothing much there:-(

bangunan merah kat Melaka....
after been in Muar (no pics this time...) maybe in next segment la.... i went to Singapore for the 3rd time... 1st in Disember 2004, April 2007 and now... price in Singapore relatively more expensive compare last 2 years... only electronics good cheapest RM100-RM200 than Malaysia... I think Hong Kong is the best place for shopping... More cheapest elctronic goods in HK... but not for food. Food, Malaysia the Best and cheapest:-P

Sempat gak poseing event had stomach pains.... Sakit meh...

Monday, November 12, 2007

Petronas CNY 2008

Seorang anak cine bertanya kpd ayahnya yang sedang sibuk di dapur......

anak: ayah, ni daging apa?

ayah : daging Babi

anak: daging apa?

ayah: daging Babi nak

anak: daging apa?

ayah: daging Babi sayang

anak: daging ape?

ayah: daging la...... BABI !!!

*Semua ini adalah rekaan semata-mata

after suffered with diarrhoea for a week...

still feeling the pains.. sakit perut meh...

my back bone pain more critical...

start a work today after a week 'rest?'

Wednesday, November 7, 2007


Suffering for diarrhoea for two days....
5.11.2007 (monday) 2am-muntah .... all in my stommach been trow away:-P i thought its normal thing after eat more musssel, beijing food, ikan asam, salad etc... kesian pakcik yg sebilik ngan aku..terpaksa berebut.... camner la dia pun uzur waktu yg sama...

4am- 2nd times:-( visited to dr. Tan

6am- 3rd times....

8am im flat

10am went to clinic in taman seroja sepang.... the room alone...sleep... and sleep...

6pm akeup n solat...mana tau kan pergi dulu, hutang lagi tambah..walaupun lewat...

8am tried to hv dinner... cannot go la.... in class
12am cannot tahan la..start dyhidrat...

8.00am breakfast and evey 30mnt must see dr Tan.. so sad...

12am (07.11.2007) contition not stabile..cannot stomach still hvg butterfly...

6pm kembalinya hamba ALLAh ini ke....

(be continue....)

Sunday, November 4, 2007

BZZ weekday:-(

What a bZZ week... Rewind...
Buka TV petang ni, film ALI SeTAN lak ada..tringat masa kanak-kanak dulu, that film produced in 1980's.. i just 6 or 7 years old (I think la).. A little time left before go to Sepang for Bunget workshop 2009.... i try to update thz:-)

Friday (2.11.2007) - Piukup Rick in KLIA, around 11.30 pm from Beijing... Before that, went to Hari Raya Open House in Enstek (for invitation only...) after taht shoot to Putra Nilai visiting Aura Spa, new spa in Nilai, will operate in Discember... for female only:-P After taht went to Masjid Bandar Baru Nilai for Solat Asar and enjoy the evening sceneryin Putra Nilai...
Nilai Square... Full of facbrics:-) not with people... so sad... Sales only on weekends...but you can get best bargain in weekdays...

Bandar baru Nilai Mosque....

Mondays 29.10.2007 - IKM Jasin for 'IKM talk'... used old road and loss in journey... Sory my friends cannot joined ur fairwell party in Seremban...

Boto Cencaluk in Alor Gajah... Take pics while Waiting for Cucur Udang Alor Gajah:-P Thanks CT Tampin for warm serves (I dont know i used right word or not)...

Masjid Jasin....

Pe bebudak ni buat dalam masjid... Mana la cikgunyer?

Car model from IKM Jasin...
Thanks for visiting this blog... get to go to Empress Hotel Sepang....

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Lagi Bengang!!!

ha ha blog become a place to throw all the mess in my head...

and i still bengang yang amat with thz CELCOM 3G, i dont aspect to get best connection as 1Mps streamic.. but its worse nite by nite.... TEnsion pak cik...

Selalu camni..mula dah ulis pepanjang.. mesti aku delete and gantikan with thz boring words....

Sory for yang terasa ngan pe yang aku tulis...walhal xberkait pun ngan yang mati dan mungkin berkait dengan orang yang akan mati la....

because i knew only few died good person...

that remind me to afriend that said im introvert person... after 30 years (nearly), yes im introvert person..i prefer to talk (True just write) in YM or MSN. but sory in phone bucause i will loose the idea... communication can stand for 3 minutes...

Ahk... im lost....

What a bad day....

todays activities:-

1. G PTD Seremban OPen House

2. Dapat siap 6 paper works ada lagi 8:-P (Lepas blik Buje workshop br pegang balik)

3. Dapat call dr customer, HQ and email cc to all head departmnt nak suruh aku proses cepat application ni tp dia yg paling last antar....

4. Arkitek lak dok buat laporan aku xconsult bos pasal projek yg bos arahkan batal? heloooo... ko pun xpenah jumper aku, cakap banyak lak... jadi sok dah ada keja tabahan la nak jawab hal ni...

5. aku tengah ebngang..nasib baik backpain dah kurang skit... tp urine lak kotor... tak lama la tur... nak pulang ke ....

If You Are Unhappy...

Once upon a time there was a non-conforming sparrow who decided to fly south for the winter. However, soon the weather turned so cold that he reluctantly started to fly south. In a short time ice began to form on his wings and he fell to earth in a barnyard, almost frozen. A cow passed by and crapped on the little sparrow. The sparrow thought it was the end. But, the manure warmed him and defrosted his wings. Warm and happy, able to breathe, he started to sing. Just then a large cat came by and hearing the chirping, investigated the sounds. The cat cleared away the manure, found the chirping bird and promptly ate him.

The moral of the story:

1. Everyone who craps on you is not necessarily your enemy.2

. Everyone who gets you out of the crap, is not necessarily your friend.

3. And, if you are warm and happy in a pile of crap, keep your mouth shut.


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