in the begining...i thought to wrote along long essay for thz blog..afte more that hours waiting, reading, thinking etc etc.... and the clock show 0015, its quite late, or very late for me to sleep...
i decide to said to myself... that, what ever happen let i be... follow the flow... ever its hard and sad or happy....
Event i want to cry tonite... let its be...
How stupid i'm... waiting..keep blame myself even i pray to ALLAH... but when ALLAh gave what i want.. i regret... so bad am i?
ExW- i hope you happy with ur new life, sory if i distrubed u all past few months..if u said ealier taht you hv other... im ok... i can accept, but you keep silence and make me stupid:-(
So... i need new life... a happy life after thiz...
Bye bye ....
Tommorow ...
im waiting
good nite.....
Last..not lease... Kenapa la aku kena tipu bulat2? Mudahnye kena tipu..bengang GILER aku...
dah lah 3G Celcom ni lembab macam nak mam**s... Tension aku:-((
BUkan tension sagt..Frust la tur, org lain dpat lebih best pada dier..kita dulu dapat biasa-biaser jer..kuang3x